Find a Dance Teacher
Ruby Dorany
Residance Dorany, Binckhorstlaan 135, Den Haag070 3838385
ballroom, latin, tango, salsa, solo dance club, private lessons, dance workshops
Anneke IJpelaar
Anneke IJpelaar Ballet, Grote Kerksbuurt 15, 3311 CA Dordrecht+31(078 6209033
The school is especialized in classical ballet
Wendy Degens
Dance Teacher
Billitonstraat 1, 2022zg the Netherlands06-16322362
Qualified in teaching jazz dance-classical dance- dance mix for children and adults
Peter Dehing
Peter Dehing Dance Studios, Cuijk. Beuningen,Gennep,Son,Nijnsel,Eindhoven,Druten,St Hubert485-314168
Owner of 7 dancestudios and teaching experience all over the world Jazz&Tap.
Steve Nestar
Groote Peel 24, 1112 KG Diemen (The Netherlands)+31-61 637 330
Instructor and Teacher in foundamentals and techniques in house dance and hip hop dance
Bianca de Jong
Amsterdam+31 6 27074063
Folk dances especially: Bulgarian (otherwise mostly East European), Teaching Didactics
Ben Craft
RBS.Diploma, HBO Didactics
Klarendalsweg, 53306 47783967
06 47783967
High quality Ballet and Cunnugham based Contemporary.
Ton Greten
Move Dance & Aerobic Center, Romeinenstraat 84+31455419177
Hip Hop, Breackdance, Aerobics
emmanuel bassey
college grade
grote maote 70, 7123ce aalten0543478984
an african/contemporary dance teacher
Eveline Dorland
bachelor of arts, dance.
Hilversumballet, modern jazz, contemporary, educational dance projects, choreographie
Jan Knoppers
Stroveer 96, 3032 GA Rotterdam(31)104651868
ethnic, folk, asian, tap, methodology & didactics of dance teaching, choreographer
hanke sjamsoedin
bachelor of dance education
brederodestraat 39 1, 1054 MR Amsterdamcontemporary and jazz classes all levels and ages
Sandhya Manniesing
Danceschool Ghoenghroe ki Pukar, Televisiestraat 2400615107260
Bollywood danceschool with different styles, trained for big, showperformances
Mark Bijker
Bolder 38 The Nashville Country Dancers, 9732 PB, Groningen, The Netherlands505 4916
Dan Radulescu
Comeniustraat 101+31619936815
Carmen Bertens
Karel Doormanstraat 25, 5121 LV0161-232346
I have studied at the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg. I specialise in Jazz & Ballet .