Advertising with DTOL
A quick reminder of the services offered by DTOL via targeted emails such as these and the website.
Jobs & Résumés
You can freely add a new dance teaching job or advertise yourself via your résumé on the website. It’s free for a couple of weeks, with longer periods (3 to 12 months) available for a small fee.
Website Listing
Make sure your entry in the Find a Dance Teacher pages is up to date. And for a small fee, you can display photos and highlight yourself at the top of your area’s list.
Advertising Emails
If you have something to advertise to other dance teachers, such as a teachers’ conference, or dance costumes, or mirrors, etc., then we can send an 'exclusive' email to DTOL Members for you.
You can also display a banner image on our website to advertise your services.
Sell your Dance School
…and if you’re looking for help to sell your Dance School, then just let us know and we’ll see how we can help!